All Day

GLW Round 3 & 4 – Prairie Du Chein, WI

St. Feriole Island

* Tentative Schedule * Friday (No Races) 8:00a: Pits Open  Registration & Event Setup  Saturday 6:30a: Registration & Check In  8:30a: Mandatory Riders Meeting 9:00a: Practice 11:00a: Moto 1 / 2Awards 3o mins after end of moto 2Sunday 6:30a: Registration & Check In  8:30a: Mandatory Riders Meeting 9:00a: Practice 11:00a: Moto 1 / 2Awards 3o mins after end of moto 2Race Site InfoADDRESS: 701 N Villa Louis Rd, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821 If using your GPS for directions, enter Villa Louis Boat Landing Prairie du Chien, WI 🏖 Spectator Entry is Free! Bring your own chair, and setup for a great day at the beach!